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(W) Al Ewing (A) Martin Coccolo (CA) Alex Ross
AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and when the tale is done, we will know what that cost him. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR. PLUS: A bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman - WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.?
Rated T+
In Shops: Aug 23, 2023

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