(W/A) Larry Marder The iconic inhabitants of Larry Marder's unique Beanworld universe are introduced in this complete collection of the Beanworld comic-book run! Join Mr. Spook, Professor Garbanzo, Beanish, and many others as they experience adventures in their world that prove, whether friends or adversaries, they are all ultimately dependent on each other for survival. Marder's deceptively simple artwork illustrates a self-contained ecological fantasy realm with its own unique rules, truths, and lingo. Collects issues #1-#21. o The complete run of Larry's Marder's twenty-one Beanworld comics! 'A deceptively simple title but thoroughly enjoyable, Beanworld regularly broaches themes of religion, environmentalism, industry, sociology, and even the inherent nature of art as part of the ongoing struggles of the beans and how they come to understand the world around them and each other.'-New York Journal of Books